Regine Heiland


„My work attitude is characterized by the belief that humor and seriousness are not mutually exclusive and that intense self-awareness can promote professional actions.”

Experience and key activities

  • Since 1990, communication training and consultancy in the fields economy, education and health care
  • Conflict resolution
  • Coaching for managers
  • Moderating team work shops/team development
  • Management development
  • Founder of the team development training series
  • Teaching coach at the Schulz von Thun Institut in several training courses for the module communication advisor
  • Teaching trainer at the University of Hamburg
  • Coaching practice in Hamburg Othmarschen

Vocational training and education

  • Degree in psychology, university studies in Bonn and Hamburg
  • Certification as Gestalt therapist (IGG Berlin)
  • Communication psychology with Prof Schulz von Thun
  • Theatre pedagogy with Dr Günter Ottersbach (IZHD Hamburg)
  • Attended courses on communication, body and family therapy