Lisa Roth-Schnauer

M.A. Bildungswissenschaften

“My work is based on the concept of coherence: Communication and interaction are successful and effective when they are authentic and appropriate for the situation – when they are professional and humane at the same time. In doing so, I treat people and topics with joy and seriousness, humor, and profundity – because learning should be and can be fun!”

Professional experience:

  • Training for managers and employees on the topics communication, conflict resolution, team dynamics in the economic sector, in education and in the health sector
  • Coaching for managers and employees
  • Leading team workshops/team development
  • Conflict resolution
  • Coaching trainees in communication psychology competences
  • Lecturer (trainer) at Schulz von Thun Institut Hamburg
  • Lecturer at Hamburg-Harburg university
  • Coaching practice in Hamburg Eppendorf

Education and Training

  • Master of Arts in educational sciences, key focus: adult education (studied in Hamburg)
  • Communication psychology in accordance with Prof Schulz von Thun
  • Systemic transaction analysis