Publications Regine Heiland

Hybrides Arbeiten: Sollen Vorgesetzte ihr Team zurück ins Büro holen?
Gastkommentar im Harvard Business Manager, Ausgabe Mai 2022
Together with Doris Ehrhardt, Regine Heiland reacts to a case study published in Harvard Business Manager, which deals with the issue as to whether managers should get their teams back in to the office. In the fictional case study, the planned mandatory presence at the office is met with resistance, mobile work is given preference. Heiland and Ehrhardt recommend that hybrid work be allowed to maintain motivation and satisfaction, amongst others.


7 psychologische Faktoren für mehr Zusammenhalt in hybriden Teams
auf veröffentlicht am 28.10.2021
Hybrid management is becoming a reality – and entails particular challenges. How can the combination of virtual cooperation and work at the office be successful? Regine Heiland and Doris Ehrhard collected the factors which are particularly important if you want to be successful as a team faced with hybrid work.
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„Weil Worte wirken. Wie Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation gelingt. Theorie-Praxis-Übungen“
Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2018
How can consultations between physician and patient be effective? How do medical practitioners communicate in a constructive manner, thereby increasing compliance and trust? This theory-and-practice trainer is based on the models of Hamburg communication psychology, applied to medical practice. It provides the reader with essential and elaborated instruments, presents tools for reflection and, thanks to various exercises, the acquired skills will soon become the new inner attitude. Motivational interviewing, breaking bad news, dealing with difficult patients, or communication under pressure: This book is made for all those who wish to learn how to communicate successfully with their patients or optimize their respective skills.


„Mit dem Inneren Team in Moskau. Kulturelle Unterschiede im Training“
zusammen mit Heike Pfitzner in: Kommunikation & Seminar 8 / 2013. Junfermann Verlag.
A communication training in Russia and with an interpreter – how can this work? Which cultural differences must be considered? How does interpreting change a seminar? A report of an exciting journey based on the experience.
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„Der gute Kern – professionelles Feedback: Das Wertequadrat ermöglicht dem Kritiker eine wertschätzende Haltung. Denn es deckt die positive Kehrseite des unerwünschten Verhaltens auf.“
zusammen mit Gabi Manneck in: Kommunikation & Seminar 5/2012. Junfermann Verlag.
When giving critical feedback, it is often not easy to balance honesty on the one hand and encouraging considerateness on the other hand. This article shows how the Werte- und Entwicklungsquadrat (square of values and development) can offer great support in this regard. The model offers orientation in the search for a humane and professional attitude – and can also be used in a very pragmatic way to help with wording.
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Kommunikation in der Sprech- (und Hör-)stunde
in: Colloquium Onkologie 11, Lukon Verlagsgesellschaft München 2011.
Unfortunately, interpersonal communication is still neglected in medical education. Based on examples, this article shows how diverse the communication between medical practitioners and patients can often be and which levels medical doctors should focus on when striving to be good listeners.


„Wie kann ich im Training Veränderung ermöglichen?“
zusammen mit Dr. Robert Stracke in: Schulz von Thun, F. und Kumbier, D. (Hrsg.) „Impulse für Führung und Training: Kommunikationspsychologische Miniaturen 2“, Rowohlt 2009.
Individual case work is a proven method to integrate the contents of a seminar with the professional practice of the individual participants. Against the backdrop of insights from psychotherapy research, the authors investigate which decisive factors are used in case work and how they may render learning processes more efficient.


„Die Kunst der Coleitung“
zusammen mit Roswitha Stratmann in: Schulz von Thun, F. und Kumbier, D. (Hrsg.) „Impulse für Führung und Training“, Rowohlt 2009.
Co-moderation of seminars or workshops offers great potential for an enriching experience. It is worth considering certain “rules” and acting in such a way that both partners benefit from the relationship. Otherwise, there is the risk of crises and misunderstandings which can turn co-moderation into a stressor.



Wie kritisiere ich meinen Chef richtig?
aus der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung vom 27. April 2022
It is part and parcel of a good feedback culture that criticism is not a one-way street and concerns managers as well. Selma Schmitt conducted an interview with Regine Heiland for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on how to provide critical feedback correctly, which rules to consider, and how to deal with delicate topics.
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Es bräuchte die Sprech- und Hörstunde
aus der Ärzte Zeitung vom 16.02.2022 mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH
According to a study of Charité Berlin on the spontaneous talk-time of patients, up to 80 percent are interrupted by the medical doctor already after 18-20 seconds. Regine Heiland was interviewed on this topic for Ärzte Zeitung and offers advice on how this can be changed in everyday medical practice.
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„Kollege Pinocchio“
in: Psychologie Heute, 07 / 2021. Beltz.
Almost half of all employees are sometimes lying at work. This article discusses reasons as to why people lie and to what extent managers can exert an influence on whether employees tend to be honest or cheat. Regine Heiland was interviewed for this article and examines lies from the viewpoint of communication psychology.


Familienstress in Zeiten von Corona: „Es regt mich furchtbar auf, dass sie den Ernst der Lage nicht versteht“
in: DER SPIEGEL Nr. 13 / 21.3.2020
Handling a crisis such as the COVID pandemic is stressful for everyone. This also shows in the daily lives of those living under the same roof. Regine Heiland was one of several interviewees for an article on the consequences for interaction.


„Blick in die Seele – wie wir uns ein Urteil über unsere Mitmenschen bilden, beschäftigt die psychologische Forschung“
von Carola Kleinschmidt in: Spiegel Wissen Nr. 1/ 2020 Menschenkenntnis
In which aspects do people actually differ? And how can we use that for a better understanding of ourselves and others? Carola Kleinschmidt dealt with these aspects in an article for which she also interviewed Regine Heiland.


„Ruhe jetzt, sonst drehe ich durch!!!“
in: Brigitte Woman 03 / 2014
Christine Tsolodimos interviewed Regine Heiland on how to handle conflicts at work.
Interview als PDF-Download


„Trainieren in Russland – Scheidungsberatung inklusive“
in: Training aktuell 24. Jahrgang Nr. 7 / 2013
An interview with Regine Heiland and Dr Heike Pfitzner on their experience with communication training in Moscow.
Interview als PDF-Download


„Frau Heiland, wie kommuniziert man richtig?“
in: ZWEI Themenheft „reden“ 01 / 2012
An interview on correct or consistent communication of medical doctors and successful feedback discussions in practice.


„Chefärzte üben Feedback ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger“
in der Ärztezeitung vom 09.12.2010
An article by Christian Beneker on a seminar Regine Heiland conducted for senior doctors in Bremen. It deals with the importance of feedback also in medical management and on how to give encouraging feedback – without glossing over the aspects that require criticism.
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„Wir wünschen gute Unterhaltung“
in der Zeitschrift emotion Oktober 2007
An article by Maja Sulejmanpasic based on an interview with Regine Heiland: How can I talk to types of persons who display a distinctively difficult communication style?