Coaching Illustration


In our coaching sessions, we assist our clients with psychological know-how and in an atmosphere of mutual trust in finding orientation in challenging professional situations.

First, it is necessary to develop an understanding of one’s own internal and external situation in a differentiated manner, and, building on this understanding, to identify scope for action and develop associated skills.

Our coaching sessions are resource-oriented. Depending on the issue and context of our clients, we work with methods from various psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches, such as  the Inner Team (Schulz von Thun), with methods from Gestalt therapy and psychodrama, with knowledge from the systemic approach and talk therapy.

We offer our clients both selective short-term intervention as well as longer-term reflection and development support.

The coaching sessions are conducted online or in person.

Possible reasons for coaching

  • Dealing with difficult employees
  • Support with important decisions
  • Preparation for a new role
  • Reflection on the professional activity “sparring partner”
  • Professional reorientation
  • feedback
  • Change processes
  • Gaining clarity about your own strengths and potential
  • Developing goals and visions
  • Dealing with acute or deadlocked conflicts